Friday 7 July 2017

History of Strawberries & Cream

Strawberries and cream is iconic, and quintessentially British, and are a symbol of the arrival of British Summertime. Each year during the Wimbledon season we consume an average of 20 tonnes of strawberries, and around 7000 litres of cream. Now that's a lot! So where exactly did this refreshing, sweet summer pudding come from, and what connection does it have to Wimbledon?

In the Tudor Era, Thomas Wolsey was close to King Henry VIII and he began building  a riverside des res, known today as Hampton Court. The kitchens within Hampton Court were one of the largest in England at the time, and were responsible for serving food for up to 600 guests twice a day. To save time, they wanted create some quick, easy desserts. During this era, the idea of adding fresh cream to strawberries was born, which at the time was an expected choice as dairy products were considered a food for the poor.

It is thought that King George V was the one to introduce strawberries and cream to Wimbledon in the early 1900's. While we do not know exactly why they started being served, strawberries were only available at that time of year, and in the lat 1800's they were a fashionable fruit to eat.

Add Wimbledon Strawberries & cream to your basket now.

Do you love strawberries and cream? Let us know @office_fruit

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