Friday 30 June 2017

Meet the Team - Our Apprentice

In this week's Meet the Team, we talk with Ellie, our office apprentice! Find out what she can do in 30 seconds....!

What is your job title? 
Customer Service Apprentice

What do you do every day at work?
I place regular orders for customers, and speak to customers on the phone or email to solve any isues or queries they may have.

How long have you been with FFTO?
7 months

What is your go-to breakfast? 
Chocolate square bar or Weetabix

What do you do as soon as you get into work?
Turn on my computer and load my emails and necessary admin websites

Lunch at your desk, or lunch out?
Lunch at my desk!

What's your favourite fruit?

Tea all day, or tea never?
Tea in the morning

Tell us one thing no one in the office knows about you (yet!)
I'm scared of the ocean and refuse to go in

What is your party trick?
I can eat 15 breadsticks in 30 seconds

If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
A dog because they get to eat and sleep all day!

If you have any questions for Ellie, get in touch with us @office_fruit! 

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