Tuesday 27 July 2010

More bananas, Charity run #2 and a bit of déjà-vu!

Beep beep! The vintage Fruit for the Office van has added its second destination to the London charity run tour! So if you want to be fed bananas by our beautiful fruit personnel, want to do a rewarding run for charity or you’re just a gorilla in desperate need of toning and a spot of light dinner then head on down to Greenwich Park!

On Saturday 2nd October in Greenwich Park, Fruit for the Office will be handing out well-deserved bananas to all those running to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation! If you feel like you’re having serious déjà-vu right now it’s because although this run is in a different park on a different day, it’s still for JDRF, the same charity as our first stop!

JDRF are such a deserving charity, in need of as much funding as possible, so we figured, heck, let’s give out double the bananas! This event will start at the Greenwich Park bandstand and the professionally-timed 10km run will start at 10:30am and the 6km walk at 11:00am. All runners and walkers will receive bananas, a t-shirt and a well-deserved lunch from 12 till 2pm whilst live music, entertainment, circus skills workshops and free face-painting will be going on throughout the day!

Registration for both the run and the walk are still well and truly open, so if you want to raise money to help fight diabetes and think you can raise at least £100 in sponsorship, then make sure you apply right away! (There are also prizes for those who raise the most sponsorship money!)

We’ll keep you updated with how the day goes in October and wish the best of luck to all those who participate!

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