Friday 16 July 2010

Bananas, Charity Run #1 and a sly Mario reference!

Our official slogan here at Fruit for the Office is “Be Fruitful” but our second unofficial slogan lately seems to be “If there’s a charity run, we’ll be there with a handful of bananas”.

Some people don’t understand why we choose bananas as our ‘signature’ charity run fruit. It was an obvious choice for one of our first sponsored charity events, the ‘Gorilla Run’ because we all know the textbook primate theory: Primate + Banana = Happy Primate! (And this theory is clear because surely if Donkey Kong had a been given a banana or two, Mario would have been finished a lot sooner the first time) But what we were hearing from our Gorilla-impersonating friends was that the banana was a perfect energy boost after that huge run and a healthy, natural and figure-friendly alternative to energy drinks!

So we’ve taken this idea running and faster than you can say ‘Potassium-enriched herbaceous plant’ we’re taking our bananas on a 3-stop charity run tour of London and our first stop is the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk/Run on Sunday 12th September in Regent’s Park! Registrations are still open for single runners or teams to raise money in a 5km walk or run and also a shorter walk for those with children! The JDRF are a charity raising money to help fund research to cure Type 1 diabetes and we’re very proud to be supporting such a deserving charity!

We’ll keep you updated on how this event goes and we’ll reveal the next two stops on our banana-based charity run tour in the next few weeks!

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