Friday 15 November 2019

A day in the life....Head of Admin & Marketing

For this week's blog, I decided to let you in on how my day works here at Fruit For The Office. My name's Rachel, and I'm the Head of Admin & Marketing - the beauty of a small team is you get to wear many hats! So what does my typical day look like?


I get in and start my day by reading through my emails, either from our Dispatch Unit overnight, or from any eager customers wanting to adjust their orders. I enjoy a lovely (decaf!) coffee, and settle in.


As my job is so varied my main tasks for the day can be quite different, but usually I'll be helping the admin team with orders or queries; answering customer emails; or getting down to some marketing tasks! I usually grab a banana or a pink lady apple around this time too.


I'll usually write a blog (as I am now!) or other content, I find this time of day the best for being creative. If we're recruiting (which we are at the moment!), I'll use this time to contact candidates and arrange interviews.


Lunchtime! I usually spend mine with a homemade chicken and salad wrap, and a good book :)


Back to work! I reply to any emails sent over while I was on my lunch, and get back into the rhythm.


This is  my favourite time of the day, as the main part of the day is over, but there's still enough time to get some productive work in! I'll usually take a look at our social media, or start planning blog posts or other projects. If I'm flagging I'll usually grab have some nuts or dried fruit to keep me going until dinner.


One of my lovely colleagues will finalise all our orders and reports, and then it's home time! Another successful day done.

What is your favourite part of the working day? Let us know @office_fruit! 

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