Friday 18 October 2019

Profile On: Nectarines

In this update of our Profile On series, we focus on the nectarine!

What is it?

Nectarines are a type of peach, and are part of the Rosacae family. They are a type of stone fruit. Their skin colour can vary from red, orange and yellow, and they have a pit (or stone) inside. Their flesh can be yellow or white. They are round, and look very close to a peach. There are over 100 varieties of nectarine.

Where is it from?

It most likely originated in China more than 2000 years ago, and were cultivated in ancient Persia, Greece and Rome. They are now grown in California, the Mediterranean, South Africa, China and Australia.

Where does its name come from?

The name nectarine comes from a literary adjective from the early 17th century, nectarine, which means "sweet as nectar", or "nectar of the Gods".

How can I tell between a nectarine and a peach?

Nectarines resemble peaches in their colour, size, and the shape of the pit, but there's a very easy way to tell between them at first glance - peaches have a fuzzy skin, whereas nectarines are smooth.

When is it in season?

They are at their best in Summer between late April and late August, but they are available from Chile from December to March

What are the health benefits?

Nectarines provide vitamin A and C, as well as Vitamin E, K, B1, B2 and B3. They contain calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc and copper. They are low in calories, but have 5 calories more than a peach.

Did you know?

They are NOT a cross between a peach and a plum, they are a type of peach.

Photo by Ove Tøpfer from FreeImages

Do you love nectarines? let us know @office_fruit!

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