Monday 10 December 2018

How to survive this party season

'Tis the season to be jolly, and December is THE month for non-stop parties, celebrations, and catch-ups. But along with the cold, it can be a hard month to keep up with the festivities if you're feeling under the weather. So what's the best way to keep in tip-top shape for the party season?

1. Have lots of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is crucial for keeping colds at bay, and the best way is to get it from fruit; think satsumas, oranges, kiwis, grapefruit and strawberries.

2. Keep up with exercise

Keeping active is the best way to keep healthy - those happy endorphins will keep your mood up, and will help your energy levels stay high for dancing the night away!

3. Rest when you need to!

This is the opposite to exercise, but resting is equally as important as keeping active. You know when your body is telling you to slow down, and so we say listen to it! Don't push yourself through parties if you don't feel 100% into it; take the opportunity for an early night instead!

4. Drink plenty of water

Hydration is key, and water is the best way to keep hydrated. Between 2 - 2.5litres a day is perfect, and will help all your organs work as they should (especially your liver and kidneys!)

5. Keep warm

Wearing weather appropriate clothing is important to keep those bugs at bay! Make sure to wrap up warm if spending time outside in the cold; wear gloves, a hat and scarf if necessary (even if they're not a fashion statement!)

What's your top tips to survive the party season?

1 comment:

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