Friday 20 July 2018

What is self-care?

You may have heard of "self-care" - it's the latest lifestyle buzz word that everyone's talking about. But what exactly is self-care, and is it something you should incorporate into your life?

Self-care is literally doing things that contribute to your mental, physical, and emotional well being, and include everything from doing the dishes, to booking your dental appointment, to giving yourself that extra piece of chocolate. Doing all of these things help bring you comfort, and contribute to your overall well being. It can help keep mental illnesses or imbalances in check, and because it also means you are looking after yourself, you are more likely to pick up on anything physically or emotionally that's not quite right. It's brilliant all round!

So what activities count as self-care?

  • Taking breaks, and making sure to rest when you need it (don't push yourself!)
  • Eat well, and healthy! Making sure you get at least 5 portions of fruit and veg a day will make sure you get all the nutrients and minerals that help your body run smoothly.
  • Do regular exercise, such as walking, running, or yoga, and listening to your body when you're not fit enough to do it!
  • Book those medical appointments you've been putting off - you might not like going to the dentist or the optician, but it's vital you keep up appointments like these to ensure you are in tip-top condition
  • Do those chores around the house that you've been putting off - laundry, washing up, hoovering. Anything that improves your environment will help you feel relaxed 
  • Drink water! Keeping hydrated is super important, so always have a bottle handy!
  • If you fancy a piece of cake, have some cake! Denying yourself things you fancy just leads to a binge later on
  • Take a long, relaxing bath with a good book, and take as long as you want! No timer-setting allowed!
  • Be selfish when you need to - make sure you are looking out for yourself, and don't let people take your energy when you don't have any to give! Don't be afraid of the word "no".

Do you practise self-care? Let us know @office_fruit! 

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