Friday 9 March 2018

Why you shouldn't...

1. Judge your fruit by it's cover (or skin)

Sometimes our fruit gets marked by fingers, by heat (or cold!), and these skin marks can put us off eating it. However, you may find that if you peel the fruit (or bite into it) that the fruit inside is still tasty! Don't let any marks on your fruit put you off, as you may be missing out on a delicious treat!

2. Store your berries in a warm office

Berries of all kinds don't do well in warm temperatures - you may find that if you keep them in the fruit bowl that they will "turn" quicker than you'd like. The best way to store them is to keep them in the fridge, as the cold temperature will keep them fresher for longer, so you can enjoy the whole punnet!

3. Stick to one variety

We all like to stick to our favourites, but with a whole world of fruits to try, why not try them all? There are plenty of varieties of apples, pears, tangerines, berries (and everything else) to try, so why not try them all?
You can find all our varieties on our website.

4. Leave fruit that has been cut in half

It's tempting sometimes to cut up an apple or an avocado and leave it on the side for later, but did you know that fruit that is left out to the air will oxidise, causing an unattractive brown layer on the top of the flesh? Not appetising, right? If you do want to use half the fruit and leave it for later, we recommend you wrap it in clingfilm, and store in the fridge.

5. Leave fruit in plastic bags

We deliver our fruit in bags, but if you keep the fruit in these bags they will sweat, which causes them to ripen quicker. This is particularly true of bananas, who emit a gas which ripens them and other fruits quicker. This is great sometimes (as we'll find out in just a moment) but that's not ideal if you want your fruit to last the week! We recommend fruit is removed from bags, and stored in a bowl (leaving bananas separate from the other fruit!)

6. Throw away underripe fruit

It can be frustrating to receive fruit which is not quite ripe, but don't throw it away! It just needs a bit more time before it can be consumed and enjoyed. As mentioned previously, bananas emit a gas which ripens other fruits, so if you find yourselves with fruit that is not quite ripe, place bananas alongside them, and it should only take a day or two to bring them onto the perfect ripeness. If you don't have any bananas, place the fruit in a warm room!

What do you think about today's tips? Let us know @office_fruit!

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