Friday 16 February 2018

Desk Organisation Hacks

A tidy desk symbolises a tidy (and organised) mind, but sometimes the clutter just takes over! What can you do to make sure your desk is already clean, tidy, and organised, ready for the working day? On average we lose an hour to disorganisation, so by keeping our desk organised we can be time-rich!

Look at your layout

Make sure things are logically placed for easy reach. Put frequently-used items, such as your phone or supplies, on your dominant side so you don't have to reach across. Your monitor should be at eye-level, and about 17-inches from your body.

Keep an eye on your supplies

Things you use frequently can be on your desk; anything used once or twice a week should go in a drawer. Keep similar things together, such as all your pens and pencils, so as to not disturb your work flow when you have to get up for something important.

Easy on the post-its!

We all like a post-it, and they're great to remind us of passwords, or that important deadline. Try to keep these to a minimum though - they can easily build up and create clutter and chaos, and they don't look very professional!

Keep personal items to a minimum

It's nice to show your personality, and to show off your family, by having personal nick-knacks and pictures on our desks. However, too many can easily clutter the space, and cause distraction. Try to keep to one or two items, and a picture frame, to keep things minimal, but still personalised.

Control your inbox

Email is great, except when you have 200+ sitting in your inbox, and you can't tell what's important and what isn't. To keep email from distracting you, try filing them away as soon as they're dealt with, or flagging them if they need coming back to. If you find yourself constantly stopping important work to deal with an email there-and-then, why not set times where you will deal with your email, i.e. every 2 hours for 15 minutes, and anything that comes through at other times can wait. By funnelling your focus in this way, you'll find you get more done, and don't feel so overwhelmed by constantly replies!

Embrace white space

Try to keep a space to the side of you, so you always have somewhere to keep documents that need reviewing. That way you won't find yourself fighting for space.

What are your top tips for desk organisation? Let us know @office_fruit

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