Friday 6 October 2017

Our Top 7 Most Popular Apples

Here at FFTO HQ, we sell a lot of apples, but we wondered: what are our top 7 most popular apples? Read on to find out!

1. Pink Lady
By far our most popular apple bought from our Tailor Made section, Pink Lady apples are Cripps Pink apples, which are a cross between a Golden Delicious and a Lady Williams apple. Sweet and refreshing, they'll have you coming back every time!

2. Granny Smith
Bright green, tart and with a crisp bite, the Granny Smith is our top green apple! The colour is perfect for show as well as eating, and we can certainly see why they are so popular.

3. Braeburn
The Braeburn is another firm favourite - and firm to the touch too! It has a red/orange streaky appearance on a yellow/green background. The flesh is firm and juicy, and is a great staple for any fruit delivery.

4. Royal Gala
The Royal Gala apple originated in New Zealand in 1934, and is a cross between Kidd's Orange Red and Golden Delicious apple.

5. Red Delicious
Red Delicious apples are the ultimate Snow White apple, with a deep red colour and shiny skin. The flesh is softer than other apples, with a powdery texture.

6. Golden Delicious
Golden Delicious are a pale green/yellow apple, with a crisp and white flesh. Don't let the name fool you, it isn't closely related to the Red Delicious!

7. Jazz Apple
Last, but certainly not least, we have the Jazz Apple! They are a cross between a Royal Gala and a Braeburn, and are the closest apple in taste to the Pink Lady.

What's your favourite apple? Let us know @office_fruit

1 comment:

  1. A tossup between Pink Lady, Johnathon and Royal Gala
