Friday 22 September 2017

Meet the Team: Accountant

In this week's edition of Meet the Team, we are talking to Victoria, our accountant!

What is your job title?

What do you do every day at work?
Number crunch and paper shuffle

How long have you been with FFTO?
6 years wow!

What is your go-to breakfast?
I'm guilty of skipping breakfast and snacking - elevenses!

What do you do as soon as you get into work?
Breathe a sigh of relief and enjoy the peace for a second after the hectic school morning rush

What's your favourite fruit? (or fruit snack?)
Grapes if enjoyed out of sight of Harri (my son) ;)

Tea all day, or tea never?
Never, no hot drinks here!

Tell us one thing no one in the office knows about you (yet!)
I hate polystyrene - EKKKK

What is your party trick?
Not really much of a party trick - but I can drink at a ridiculously fast pace

If you were an animal, what animal would you be and why?
A cat so I can finally get some sleep!

Do you have any questions for Victoria? Let us know @office_fruit

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