Friday 2 June 2017

Making the most of your commute

For many of us that work we have to do some kind of commute. For a lot of people that includes trains and buses. We could look at that time as dead time, wasted time, but wouldn't it be great to make the most of that time so that we can make the most of our day? Here are some great ways that you can make the most out of your commuting time, whether it is 10 minutes or 2 hours!

Broaden your mind with podcasts
Podcasts are a great way to catch up on current events, learn things you didn't know (like a new language!) or just have a chuckle along with some funny topics. Our favourites are Stuff You Should Know; The Unlimited Spanish Podcast; The Tony Robbins Podcast; The Documentary; and Money Box. All can be found on iTunes. If you have any great podcasts you would like to share, let us know in the comments!

Chill out with some meditation
There are a few meditation apps on the market that include a travelling option, to help you relax and enjoy your journey. Considering how stressful travelling can become, this is definitely a bonus as it helps you arrive at your destination chilled out and refreshed. Just what we all need! Our favourite app is Calm.

Organise your mind with lists
If you're one of those people that are constantly thinking about what they need to do, where they need to be, and who they need to talk to, why not spend your time making lists? Whether to-do lists, or reminding yourself what you've done that day, by using this spare time to prioritise and organise you will certainly reap the benefits! 

Reply to all those texts!
If you've got a bustling social life, you will know how difficult it can be to juggle all those conversations! Why not take this time to reply to all those people you have left hanging? Even if you are underground, once they are all queued up they will send as soon as you get some signal. Simple!

Catch up with a great book
Why not use your commute to dive into a great book? Whether a physical book, kindle, or audio book, you're sure to find something that you'll enjoy, and believe us when we say the time will whizz by!

What do you do to pass the time on your commute? Let us know @office_fruit

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