Friday 16 June 2017

Profile On: Pomegranate

What is it?
It is a shrub that produces a red fruit.

What does it look like?
It has a round shape, like an apple, with a hard, shiny skin blushed with red or yellow. Inside, it contains edible white seeds which are held in jewel-like, ruby-coloured sacs filled with sweet, juicy flesh. The sacs themselves are packed in a bitter, pale yellow pith. The best pomegranates are those with unblemished, shiny skins. Those that feel heavy for their size are the juiciest. Avoid any with soft patches.

Other names?
Their Latin name is Punica granatum.

Where's it from?
Now mainly grown in America, Spain, the Middle East and India, pomegranates originated in the area from Northern India to Iran.

When is it available? 
It is available all year round.

How do I eat it?
Cut the fruit open across its middle, then holding a half over a bowl, cut-side down, bash the skin with a rolling pin. The seeds should pop out. To extract the juice, put the seeds in a sieve and press out the juice with the back of a spoon. Avoid crushing the sac membranes too much as they can taste bitter. Be careful when preparing pomegranates, as the juice stains.

What does it taste like?
The taste depends on the variety of fruit and the degree of ripeness. The seeds can vary from a little sour (similar to ripe cherries) to fairly sharp (similar to uncooked cranberries).

What are the health benefits?
They are among the healthiest fruits around, and they have had a big surge in popularity over the past couple of years, for many reasons. They contain mountains of nutrients, such as fibre, protein, Vitamin C and potassium. They have anti-inflammatory properties, and they may also lower blood pressure. What's not to love!

Do you love pomegranate? Let us know @office_fruit!

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