Friday 6 November 2015

Your Handy Guide To The Mandarin

Here at Fruit For The Office HQ, we often get asked that the difference is between tangerines, satsumas, and clemetines (also known as Mandarins). They are an office staple, but there's always that question - just which one am I eating right now? Here is our handy guide to knowing your satsuma, from your clementine...

The Basics
Tangerines, satsumas, clementines and minneolas, are all part of the Mandarin Orange category (so we can call them Mandarins from now on). Compared to oranges, Mandarins tend to be smaller in size, are easier to peel, and are less tart.

The Specifics
Tangerines - these are less sweet than the other Mandarins, they may have seeds, and have slightly tougher peels. A ripe tangerine is firm to slightly soft, heavy for its size, and pebbly-skinned with no deep grooves, as well as orange in color.

Clementines - they are usually seedless, and honey-sweet. They are easier to peel than tangerines (though not as easy as satsumas). The exterior is a deep orange colour with a smooth, glossy appearance. It is descended from a sweet orange, hence the sweet flavour.

Satsumas - Autumn/Winter time is when the satsuma really comes into its own. It is known for being the easiest to peel, due to itts leathery skin. However, this makes them more prone to bruising, due it's delicate flesh. It is similar in taste to the clementine.

Fun fact - satsuma juice is much deeper and redder in colour than orange juice

Right - Satsuma Juice Left - Orange Juice

We hope this helps your quest to decipher - satsuma, tangerine, or clementine?
Don't forget, you can always talk to the FFTO team to add these fruits onto your fruit delivery. Give us a call on 08000194037, or email us.

What is you favourite Mandarin? Tweet us @office_fruit

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