Friday 1 May 2015

Fundraise for Nepal

Like many, we've been extremely moved by the recent earthquake that has caused devastation in Nepal.

After making a donation to UNICEF we hope to reach out to YOU to appeal for your help too

More than 80% of health facilities in the five most severely affected districts have been severely damaged, so patients are being treated outside.

Tents, hygiene kits, water purification tablets and buckets have been dispatched to Gorkha for distribution, the area at the epicentre of the earthquake, where the presence of dead bodies poses the risk of disease outbreak. Vital supplies have also been dispatched to Kavre and Dhading.
Unicef is delivering water purification tablets, buckets and hygiene kits in Bhaktapur where only 1 in 5 people are estimated to have access to clean water. Water tankers are distributing clean water to 16 informal camps that have sprung up in the Kathmandu valley.

Teams are identifying and assisting children who have been separated from their families, and our Unicef colleagues are working with partners to provide psychological support for children living in informal camps who’ve experienced extreme shock.
Over 84% of schools assessed in 16 affected districts are either partially or fully damaged – highlighting the need for temporary learning spaces to protect children and allow them to establish a routine.

Here's some tools for assisting with fundraising in your office:
You could make a fruit stall with your regular office fruit delivery! Sell each piece at a price and donate all proceeds to Nepal.

They really need our help!

Tweet us if you're doing something amazing to help @UNICEF with relief for Nepal!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this article, I've really enjoyed reading this. I have recently discovered Tony Charalambides fundraising blog - you should check it out!
