Friday 16 January 2015

It's Not Too Late To Join The January Diet Club!

Need an extra push to kick start that belated healthy eating resolution? 

First things thirst - Water!

Ideally, we should all be drinking at least 1/2 litres a day. The best way to fit this in is to have a bottle of water on your desk, perhaps a 1.5 litre bottle, and sip this through the day. Having it handy means you are more likely to drink it and reap the benefits; which includes better overall health through hydration, more energy, perkier skin, aiding weight loss and removing pesky toxins from the body. 


Protein is essential to keep our body running, providing the building blocks for our bones, muscles and skin. It will also help you to keep fuller for longer. Examples of good proteins to include in your diet are:
·    Salmon
·    Oily fish
·    Lean meats
·    Eggs

You can also get protein from your nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables!


Carbs (whisper it) is the dreaded word that people avoid including in their diet. But wait – they are not as bad as they seem. They provide us with the energy we need to go about our daily lives, in moderation of course.
Some healthy carbs are:
·    Wholemeal bread
·    Wholemeal pasta
·    Brown rice
·    Potatoes
·    Sweet potatoes
·    Quinoa

Benefits: Carbs help provide fuel for our muscles and good carbs, as mentioned above, will actually help you to feel fuller for longer, with a slower release of energy.
(Good) Fats

Fat is another word that people are afraid of, but the simple fact is that we need some good fats in our life to keep our body running smoothly. You can find good fat in:
·         Almonds
·         Cashews
·         Pistachios
·         Walnuts
·         Pecans
·         Mixed nuts
·         Hazelnut
·         Brazil nuts
·         Pumpkin seeds
·         Peanut Butter

When it comes to nuts, portion size is the key – calorifically dense, you will get the necessary amount of fat and protein in a small amount. We recommend a handful, or about 60g, per day.

Diet plan

Still stumped for ideas? Here are a few ideas for meals to get your diet kick-started.

·         Porridge – add berries, strawberries, raisens, pressed apricots
·         Alpen Swiss
·         Weetabix
·         Poached eggs on wholemeal toast
·         Granola with low fat natural yoghurt and honey

Lunch ideas

·         Tuna Pasta Salad with wholemeal pasta
·         Mozzarella and Tomato Salad
·         Turkey and Cucumber Sandwich
·         Veggie Omelette
·         Chicken and Vegetable Soup
·         Bacon and Broccoli Pasta Salad

Dinner ideas

·         Salmon with sweet potato fries and green beans
·         Mushroom fajita with avocado houmous
·         Italian Sausage and Veggie Pasta
·         Chicken Stir Fry
·         Roasted Vegetable Couscous

·         Chopped cucumber
·         Chopped carrot sticks
·         Sliced peppers
·         Cherry tomatoes
·         Ryvita and low fat cream cheese
·         Celery sticks
·         Handful of nuts
·         Piece of fruit!

Most importantly, you must enjoy the foods that you're eating so as to encourage your new healthy lifestyle. 

Take a look at our website for a full list of produce to help you along the way at work!

Tweet us @office_fruit and let us know how your January diet is going!

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