Friday 24 October 2014

Clocks Go Back | What You Should Do With Your Extra Hour

Photo Credit: la Ezwa via Compfight cc

Not that we've been counting down the days but the clocks go back an hour this Sunday! 
Yes, it means the days get shorter, the nights get longer and the weather gets colder but this extra hour also earns you an extra hour in bed!

But, we're overachievers here at Fruit For The Office so we went around the office and asked what we'd do with an extra hour in the day - and sleeping wasn't allowed!

  • Attend a yoga class
  • Practice learning a language
  • Catch up on your favourite TV series
  • Organise the office
  • Get pampered with a manicure/pedicure
  • Hit the gym
  • Call your parents
  • Try out a YouTube makeup tutorial
  • Online shop
  • Have a long, leisurely lunch
  • Spend more time with your partner
  • Update your CV and LinkedIn
  • Have a glass of wine and read a book
  • Take a long soak in a bubble bath
  • Volunteer for a charity
  • Train to run a marathon
  • Write a bucket list
  • Start writing a novel

What will you do with your extra hour? Tweet us @office_fruit and we'll retweet our favourites! 

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