Friday 18 July 2014

A Day in the Life of... Office Manager @ FFTO

Sometimes it feels weird to be ordering (or thinking of ordering) from a company and not knowing anything about them. I mean, do the employees have Casual Friday, do they prefer tea or coffee, are they fruit ordering robots or people...?

So, we felt the best way to let you get to know our family-owned office fruit delivery company a bit better was by asking employees what they do on an average day - whether it's at our admin office in Greater London or at our fruit packing warehouse in Central London.

Callie, our office manager, works at our Essex office and spends her day doing every job under the sun - from making sure that office fruit orders are taken, to dealing with customer queries and even running the social media! So here's her (busy!) day in the life:

What is your title at work? 

Office manager

What gets you out of bed in the morning for work? (A song, a pet, amazing food, looking forward to something at work?) 

Generally knowing that there is so much to be done at the office. The phone starts ringing before the office opens at 09:00am so I have to be prompt when arriving!

What do you eat for breakfast and do you have it at home or work?

 I prefer not to eat first thing in the morning as I’m normally rushing around (oops) so it’s usually a banana on the way to work, or when I arrive a nice cup of tea and some berries.

Do you get made and dressed up for work or does it depend on what’s happening that day? 

We’re quite causal here at FFTO so unless I have meetings or we’re heading out after work it’s jeans and a tee!

How do you get into work? 

We’re a local family run business so many of us travel in by car.

What do you do as soon as you get into work? 

Kettle on, and answer the phone meanwhile. Normally crack a joke with accounts that start MEGA early, to start the day off right.

You’ve turned on your computer, what’s the first thing you do? 

We get a lot of enquiries about our services so I like to get back to those emails straight away! We communicate with our night time staff via email so I like to check that all deliveries are going out okay and if I need to contact any of our drivers or clients first thing.

Any meetings you have to attend? 

At present we’re interviewing for a few positions in the office, so it’s great meeting so many new people who are so interested in what we’re doing here. Lovely to get great feedback from individuals who may not have heard of the unique service we offer! Sometimes I attend new client meets to reassure our customers we’re regular ol’ humans organising their fruit deliveries, and that we know our stuff ;)

It’s time for elevenses, what do you grab for?

An apple! Fitting in the new scheme of 7-a-day means that I’m eating so much fruit, so regularly!

What work do you need to get done today?

I’m currently rearranging our office to accustom for the new starters. We’re growing so quickly we need new desks! I'm usually pestering our Directors about something, and it's great working for a small company in that they're so heavily involved and available. Today I need to ask our Head Buyer, Tom, if we can add a few new products to the website!

Is there much office banter or is it normally just rounds of tea, biscuits and pleasantries?

The tea flows all day, one of us is usually making! We’re all ladies here so it’s pretty polite… most of the time. We do have a hula hoop for a mad half hour; which tends to happen quite regularly when our nutty director, Lesley, is in the office!

Lunch at the desk or lunch out?

Lunch out! Working in a small office means that you never escape the ring of the telephone. A nice brisk walk helps refresh the brain, especially in the current sunshine! 

Do you have fruit in your office & do you find it improves staff health & productivity?

Yes! We prefer chopped fruit packs as it can take time to prepare when you're busy, although everybody gets excited in the summer when we have melon or pineapple to cut up. We eat a lot of fruit here as we have to lead by example! We do have treats in the office, but when you’re constantly talking about fruit it does make you crave a banana or an apple.

We hope you enjoyed finding out more about Fruit for the Office and what goes on behind that delicious box of fruit you get delivered to your office.

If you want to see more of these 'A Day in the Life of...' blogs, tweet us @office_fruit or leave a comment down below to let us know.

And, as always, give us a ring or an email if you're interested in an office fruit delivery or fruit gift basket in the London area and you might even get a response from the office manager herself - you lucky thing!

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