Friday 20 June 2014

The Berry Exciting Journey to Wimbledon

Only three days to go until Wimbledon begins for 2014 and the best of the best of tennis battle it out on courts bathed in the (hopefully) still scorching British sunshine. 

But despite Wimbledon being about tennis, an office fruit supplier can't be constantly concerned with the goings on of a fuzzy green ball. Nope, we here at Fruit for the Office have our eye on a berry good prize - the classic Wimbledon favourite: strawberries and cream.

Wimbledon is the best time to sample what British berries have to offer as all our berries are now in season in the UK and at their best!

UK Summer Berries in Season


June to November 


April to October


June to October 


June to September

Health Benefits of Berries

  • Water
All of our British berries are over 80% water - providing hydration to keep your innards running smoothly throughout the summer! 

Fruit For the Office Top Tip: Take an ice cube tray and place a whole berry (or a slice if using a big berry such as the strawberry) into each hole. Cover each hole in water and place in freezer for a few hours or until frozen. Add to your water for a hydrating, nutritious, fruity kick OR add to your Pimms to create an even more delicious concoction whilst still keeping your precious Pimms chilled.

  • Fibre
The high amount of fibre in berries makes them your best friend if your trying to lower your cholesterol or if you're just trying to keep your digestive system in tip-top condition (and who isn't?!)

  • Antioxidants
It's the health buzzword that's been on everyone's lips for years now. But berries are packed to bursting with them and whilst we won't go into too much detail (we'll be here from now till the end of Wimbledon if we dust off the biology textbooks) antioxidants are amazingly helpful for keeping your body feeling and looking better. The antioxidants in berries are said to ease and/or fend off arthritis, cataracts and other eye-related problems, cardiovascular disease, age-related memory problems, mood disorders and more. What a clever little berry!

  • Skin and Hair
We started gobbling up berries when we heard this one: berries can keep your hair and skin looking amazing. Packed full of vitamins - and the famous antioxidants - berries can keep you looking and feeling younger and more radiant. Perfect for when you're trying to catch the eye of an attractive tennis player from the stands of centre court!

Eton Mess Recipe

Photo Credit: tom_bennett via Compfight cc

Whilst Wimbledon are famed for their strawberries and cream (a recipe so sinfully easy to make we'd feel like utter bananas for even typing it out for you) there's always a few stands selling an office fruit supplier's favourite summer treat: Eton Mess.

But, we here at Fruit for the Office love fruit (the clue's in the name, really) so we couldn't stop at just strawberries in our Eton Mess. Here's our recipe for a truly luscious Eton Mess - made with in season, UK grown strawberries as well as blueberries, blackberries and raspberries that are all available now to order with your next delivery!

Serves 4


  • 200g strawberries, hulls removed
  • 200g raspberries
  • 100g blackberries
  • 100g blueberries
  • 450ml double cream
  • 4 ready-made meringue nests, crushed
  • 4 sprigs of fresh mint, to garnish


  1. Puree half of the fruit in a blender
  2. Whip the double cream until stiff peaks form then fold in the crushed meringue and the berry puree
  3. Fold in the remaining half of the fruit into the mixture (chopping up any bigger berries) and leave a whole strawberry for each serving as decoration
  4. Spoon equal amounts in four cold bowls or glasses
  5. Serve garnished with a whole strawberry and a sprig of mint

Place the berry best order now!

We can't hark on about it enough, Wimbledon begins the 23rd June and we're ready to take your office fruit delivery orders for berries and, if you feel the office needs a tennis-themed treat, we have readily-prepared Wimbledon strawberries and cream to be delivered to your office. It's the perfect decadence and morale boost for a sunny London Monday morning!

Tweet us @office_fruit to let us know if your office will be doing anything special for Wimbledon, whether it's gorging yourself on delicious British berries or if you'll be rocking up to Casual Friday in your tennis whites!

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