Friday 25 April 2014

Is 7-a-Day the new 5-a-day?

Photo Credit: justinknol via Compfight cc

Once upon a time, an apple a day kept the doctor away.

Then came five-a-day - the recommended amount of fruit and veg to keep your doctor as far away as we thought possible.

But now it seems that seven is the magic number as new research suggests that 7-a-day might not only leave your GP writing forget-me-nots but will also keep death from knocking on your door too soon.

However, before this ground-breaking fruit news came to light Fruit for the Office HQ were already told on a daily basis that even 5-a-day is hard enough for most people, especially consistently busy office workers.

So now it's 7-a-day and with promises of living longer (no matter what age you start incorporating seven portions of fruit and veg into you diet) it just makes good sense to make today the day you start eating more fruit and vegetables!

Photo Credit: capsicina  via Compfight cc

Pure Fruit Juice

None of that watered down, from concentrate nonsense. Get out the juicer and go to town on your fruit bowl or even just head to your local supermarket and keep an eye out for any juice that is 100% fruit - no filler, no sugar, no rubbish - or it won't count!

Photo Credit: kevin dooley via Compfight cc

Soup Bases

Not reserved for use only in vegetable soups, you can easily pack a portion (or two or even three!) into your soup. Most packaged soups contain sugar, salt and additives so dust off the slow cooker and add as many vegetables - and/or meat, stock and seasonings - as you like! Soup is cheap and almost impossible to get wrong and it's perfectly easy to pop into a tupperware and heat up on your lunch break!

Photo Credit: The Rocketeer via Compfight cc
Don't Forget Frozen

There seems to be some kind of stigma against frozen fruit and veg but for an office employee who's always on the go, there's no reason to not have some freezer space reserved for a bag of frozen fruit to top yoghurt, frozen spinach to mix in with an omelette or even frozen stir fry veg to save you from retrieving a questionable bag of brown beansprouts from the back of the fridge a week later.

Tweet us @office_fruit if you've been trying to make the move from 5-a-day to 7-a-day!
Also, let us know in the comments if you think having an office fruit supplier would help most office workers to achieve this - or if Fruit for the Office already supply your London office, tell or tweet us if you think it's making a difference to your health!

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