Friday 27 September 2013

#FitFruitFriday - Great Tasting Green Smoothie Recipes

There's a new craze sweeping the Fruit for the Office offices - eating clean by drinking green!

Green smoothies may not look that appealing but once you've got your hands on that fresh new fruit box and you banged out the blender, you'll be realising that it is in fact easy being green. (Sorry, Kermit!)

And don't you worry, taste bud tyrants, you honestly won't notice they're even there! Eating your greens and tasting great?! The five year old you will be kicking themselves.

Green Power Workout Fuel

  • One apple
  • One kiwi
  • One banana
  • Handful of baby spinach
  • Splash of water - more or less depending on how thick you prefer it!

Green Dream - Relax and Re-fuel

  • Two apples
  • Juice of two to three oranges
  • Handful of kale
  • Few sprigs of parsley
  • Either medium fresh aloe vera leaf or a hearty splash of all-natural aloe vera juice (easy to find in Asian supermarkets!)
  • Splash of water - depending on thickness and whether or not you used aloe vera juice

Green-a Colada 

  • Eight to ten cubes of frozen pineapple
  • Eight to ten cubes of frozen mango
  • Two handful of baby spinach or kale
  • Two to three tablespoons of natural yoghurt
  • Two to three tablespoons of coconut milk
  • Juice of two oranges
  • Splash of water - again depends on how thick you like it!

Post Work Out Protein Potion
  • Handful of spinach
  • Handful of kale
  • One banana
  • Two tablespoons of no-sugar peanut butter
  • Splash of plain (or vanilla for sweetness!) almond milk
  • (Optional) Scoop of vanilla or plain protein powder 
  • Water if you prefer it thin

Let us know @office_fruit about your favourite green smoothie recipes and even link us to your favourite recipes, we'll be sure to feature them in another post! 

And as always, leave us a comment below and tell us how much of a green goddess you feel after drinking all this liquid goodness!

Photo Credit: | 1 |

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