Friday 2 August 2013

#FashionableFruitFriday - DIY Fruit Face Masks for Oily Skin & Acne

Summer can play havoc with our skin - the most common complaint being sunburn leading to dryness. But what about us oily/combination girls?! The summer months make us want to hide away inside for fear of blinding people with our shiny faces or giving someone a shock with our sweaty spots. But, I feel for you, as I can proudly say I'm an oily/acne prone gal. So, why not give yourself a summer night treat? Order some fruit from your office fruit supplier and mash it up into a great mask to help ease you on your way to less angry skin.

Disclaimer! Just because your tastebuds enjoy these ingredients, doesn't mean your especially sensitive skin will! Always do a patch test before applying to make sure any of these masks won't make your skin any angrier. And remember, these are just short term treatments - if you have severe acne, make sure to see a dermatologist or your GP and get those bad boys sorted by a professional!

(Top tip: Store your DIY Fruit For the Office mask in the fridge for a half hour before using to cool that hot, sweaty skin! And make sure to use right away, as these fresh ingredients will perish fast.)

Lemon and Honey
  • Tightens + unclogs pores
  • Fades acne scars and aging spots
  • Honey's natural antibacterial properties stops spots and blemishes
  • Brightens skin tone
  • Leaves the face glowing and radiant

- Half a lemon
- 2 tbsp organic honey

How to Make:

Squeeze half a lemon into a bowl, add 2 tbsp of organic honey and mix until combined. Apply over a clean face, avoiding the eye area. Leave on for 10-15 mins, rinse away and apply moisturiser.

Strawberry and Yogurt

  • Moisturises skin
  • Seeds exfoliate
  • Brightens skin tone
  • Fades acne scars 
  • Leaves skin smoother

- 5 fresh strawberries
- 1/2 tbsp plain greek yoghurt
- 2 tsp organic honey

How to Make:

Mash 5 fresh strawberries with a fork, in a bowl, until smooth. Add 1/2 tbsp of yogurt and 2 tsp of honey and mix until combined. Apply mask to clean face, avoiding the eye area and leave on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse away and apply moisturiser. 

Banana and Oats

  • Great for sensitive skin
  • Oats exfoliate
  • Anti-aging effects
  • Moistures and improves skin tone
  • Smoothes skin and reduces inflammation from angry spots

- 1 ripe banana
- 1 tbsp organic honey
- 4 tbsp of porridge oats
- Mineral water

How to Make:

Mash 1 ripe banana with a fork in a bowl then mix in 1 tbsp of honey. Stir in 4 tbsp of oats and then add small amounts of mineral water until the mixture has a creamy consistency. Apply the mask to clean skin and leave on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing away and applying moisturiser.

Let us know in the comments how this helps your skin issues and if you have any home remedies of your own!

Photo Credit: | 1 |

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