Tuesday 19 March 2013

10 Healthiest Fruits In The World

When it comes to fruit, they are all pretty healthy. However there are a few samples which tip the balance on the healthy scales due to their cancer fighting, cholesterol lowering, energy providing, vitamin boosting abilities. Here is our list of the 10 healthiest fruits in the world. Some of them may be easier to find than you may think...

Anti-inflammatory: Apples
Kicking off with a classic, apples are brilliant choice for an everyday health boost. Most know that they are a great source of fibre, however the antioxidant qualities of this fruit are seldom mentioned. The skin of apples contains a powerful antioxidant called quercetin which has both antihistamine and ant-inflammatory abilities.

Preventing Heart Attacks: Dragon Fruit
This fruit has been hailed in recent studies for it's ability to lower cholesterol which in turn reduces the risk of heart attacks. See the report HERE

Supporting Excercies: Banana and Pineapple
In order to stay truly healthy, we all know that we should be exercising from regularly. Yet feeling lethargic beforehand coupled with the fear of muscle pain afterwards puts many of us off even venturing to the gym. The banana-pineapple fruit combo is there to tackle this. Eating a banana before exercise will give you the energy you need to see you through. The bromelain in pineapple will soothe muscle pain post work out and will aid a speedy recovery.

Antioxidant Boosting: Ariona Berry
As the latest berry to be award Superfruit status, the ariona berry contains four times as much antioxidant as the revered goji berries. Their sharp, tart taste - which has awarded them the nickname 'chokeberry' - makes them difficult to snack one, however they can be dried or turned into sauces and jams.

Cancer Fighting: Soursop
Now you probably won't stumble across this in your average supermarket, however if you do you should definitely snap it up right away. The soursop is native to the Caribbean, Central America and South America, you can also find it in some African countries. This large fruit has been celebrated for it's cancer fighting and cancer preventing properties. Early tests have shown that extracts can beat some breast and liver cancer cells which are resistant to chemotherapy.

Skin Brightening: Cantaloup Melon 
This may not be necessary for your health as such, but we all like to look our best. Snack on cantaloup melon as it's high Vitamin A content will keep your skin looking young and smooth as it boosts cell renewal.

Healthy Digestion: Papapya
The fibres in papaya are able to bind with toxins in the digestive tract and keep them away from healthy cells in colon. The works to reduce the chances of contracting diseases of the colon, including cancer and also helps to ensure overall digestion is healthy.

Cancer Fighting: Apricots
Another unknown wonder, apricots should be celebrated for their cancer preventing as well as it's high Vitamin A, E, and C content. They are also high in potassium, iron and beta-carotene.

Healthy Snacking: Raspberries
These fruits are another great source of fibre with one cup containing around 8gs of the stuff. Despite their deliciously sweet taste they are actually low in sugar and calories. This makes them the perfect healthy snack when you're craving something a little bit sweet.

Maintaining Weight: Coconut
As well as being a must have on any tropical getaway, coconuts are one of the healthiest fruits around. The water from a coconut is packed full of potassium, making it a great drink before exercise. The flesh of the coconut can also be used as a weight management tool as it works to reduce appetite. It may also even boost the metabolism meaning weight can be burned off easier.

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