Friday 8 February 2013

#FitFruitFriday - Skinny Shrove Tuesday

Christmas has come and gone and all dieters had a collective sigh of relief that the yearly temptation was out of the way. However, we always seem to forget about Shrove Tuesday: Pancake Day. Especially if you have children or just a particularly hungry housemate, it's hard to avoid the tempting scent of pancakes frying. Whether you like them thin and crispy or soft and fluffy, we have the recipes for you to enjoy them without worrying about your waistline!

Low Fat Crepe Recipe:

  • 112g Plain Flour
  • 2 Eggs
  • 210 ml Skimmed or Semi Skimmed Milk
  • 90 ml Water
Combine the milk and water then sift the flour into a seperate bowl. Make a hole in the middle of the flour and add the eggs into it. Whisk in the eggs whilst adding small amounts of the milk and water mixture at a time until it is all combined. Heat up the frying pan to medium-high then add 2 sprays of low fat cooking spray. Put 2 tbsp worth of batter onto the pan then tip so that the batter covers the entire bottom of the pan. After approx 20 seconds (or when the edges are crispy) flip the pancake over, cooking the other side for a few seconds. Put straight onto a warm plate and continue with the rest!

Low Fat Fluffy American Pancake Recipe:

  • 100g plain flour
  • 40g porridge oats
  • 4 tbsp granulated sweetner
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 120ml fat free plain yoghurt
  • 5 tbsp skimmed milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tsp sunflower oil
Mix together all the dry ingredients in a bowl. Whisk together the remaining ingredients in a seperate bowl then beat into the dry ingredients to create a smooth batter. Heat a frying pan to a medium heat then spray  all over with low-fat cooking spray. Drop 3 seperate tablespoons of batter onto the pan apart from each other. Once bubbles appear on the surface of the batter, flip over and cook for approx 1-2 minutes or until the underside is golden. Put straight onto a warm plate and continue with the rest!

Fruity Fillings

Now's the time to get creative and there's nothing healthier (or tastier) than adding fruit to your pancakes rather than chocolate or sugar! 

Fruit For The Office's Top Tip: If having crepes, use fruit as a topping. If having American Style pancakes then we find it much tastier to add the fruit chopped up into small pieces straight into the batter!
  • Blueberries
  • Raspberries
  • Banana
  • Cranberries
  • Apple (with 1/2 tbsp of cinnamon)
  • Cherries
  • Strawberries

Let us know how much you enjoy these recipes on Tuesday and make sure to tell us if we've forgotten you're favourite fruit pancake filling!

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