Wednesday 3 October 2012

Strapped For Cash Shoppers Buy 25% Less Fruit

Things are still pretty tough out there with many families struggling to make ends meet. When the time comes to make cut backs it seems that fruit and veg is one of the first essentials things to get knocked off the weekly shopping list.

A recent survey by Defra found that the poorest families were reducing their fruit intake by 25% whilst their veg intake had dropped by 15%. But how can we still reach our 5 A Day and watch our pockets at the same time?

‘Ugly’ Veg

Tonnes and tonnes of veg is disgarded each year as it is deemed too ‘ugly’ to grace the shelves of our favourite supermarkets. If we let more fruit and veg through the doors, we could bring prices down and make fresh produce more accessible to all. Sainsbury's has pledged to stock the so called ‘ugly’ produce in the coming weeks so fingers crossed this will be rolled out amongst the other big supermarkets soon.

Fruit At Work

Providing fresh fruit for the office is a great way for employers to look after both the interests of the company and the health of their employees. If office workers are skipping their 5 A Day they will be missing out on essential nutrients and vitamins that will keep them in the best health all year round. With prices starting from just £18.99 for an office of 10, it’s a small price to pay to lower the risk of having expensive sick days which diminish overall productivity.

Eat More Tinned

Tinned vegetables can be a great source of nutrients and count towards our 5 A Day. The best thing about tinned produce is the longer shelf life. Many people are put off of buying fresh veg as they are concerned it will go to waste, and rightly so. At the moment households are currently throwing away 24% of all the vegetables they buy so no wonder it's one of the first things to get chopped off the shopping list. Encouraging people to buy more tinned veg will help to eliminate this.

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