Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Five Favourite Fruit Posts Of The Month

As summer comes to a close we thought we’d turn our attention to some sunshine recipes. We’re talking about those food and drink items that you only really crave and cook in the sunny months. Throughout August, the blogosphere was ripe with summery fruity recipes perfect for devouring in the blazing sun.

As we're hit with what looks like the final heat wave of the year, cook up some of these dishes and soak up the last few days of sunshine. Pretty soon it will cold and damp and all you’ll want is an apple crumble!

Daily Dish Recipes
Firstly let’s cleanse the pallet with a cool refreshing drink. On National Lemon Day, Nicole over at the Daily Dish treated us to this delicious Lemon and Lavender Drink.

Soni's Food For Thought
The trick with a summer desert is to create something quick, fresh and indulgent. You’ll find all three in Soni's Mango and Strawberry Cream recipe

That Skinny Chick Can Bake
You may not automatically thing of pastry when planning a summer desert, but this light flaky Berry Galette is topped with summer berries making it perfect for a summer evening. 

Cafe Terra Blog
Banana Ice-cream With Only One Ingredient? Where do we sign up! This recipe definitely ticks the quick and easy box and it looks pretty delicious too. The final brown colour may have been a slight error, but we like it as it makes the dish look really sweet and nutty. YUM!

Happy Food Healthy Life
And to round off our five faves of the the month we have this impressive Blueberry and Peach Salsa. It's great on it's own with some flat bread or on the side of a meal - the sweetness adds a nice element to a salty dish.

If you try any of these treats out this week, make sure you send us your pics!


  1. Thank you for featuring my Blueberry & Peach Salsa! All these fruit dishes look great!

    1. You're welcome, it's a great recipe! Keep those great dishes coming.
