Monday 20 August 2012

A Healthy Sloshing: Fruit Alcohol

It's fine to admit that you don't like the taste of beer. Even a few of us here at Fruit for the Office can't stand the taste at the best of times, let alone in the height of summer! Even apple cider can be a bit too much for people, so why not take a look at our well-researched list of fruity tipple whilst we try and hold back the hiccups...

Marks and Spencer Cherry Wheat Beer
Left: Marks and Spencer          Right: benjamint444

Made with a wheat base, this beer then has cherry juice added to give it it's rich taste. Best enjoyed with rich chocolate desserts.

       Brothers Toffee Apple Cider        
Left: Brothers Cider            Right: Doudoulolita

Super sweet, the toffee  really adds something to the original apple cider flavour and reminds us of festivals.

Crabbie's Spiced Orange Ginger Beer
Left: Crabbies        Right:

This classic ginger beer is infused with orange flavours, reminding us of vintage fairs and picnics.

Do you enjoy the 'natural' tastes of ciders and beers or will you be giving these fruity variations a try? Let us know in the comments below!

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