Thursday 5 July 2012

Top 10 Retro Fruit Flavoured Sweets

Back in day (for all those youngsters out there) you used to buy sweets by the quarter in your local corner shop. After selecting your poison from shelves stacked high with tempting jars, the friendly shop keeper would weigh them out and send you on your way with a white paper bag full of joy!

Granted, the white paper bag was a bit of design flaw as the sweets inevitably ended up sticking to the paper and each other in a matter of minutes. The sweets were normally rock hard, sharp enough to cut your tongue and didn’t taste much like the fruits they claimed to represent. Nevertheless, they were delicious.

We’ve put together a list of our favourite fruit flavoured sweets of days gone by. Imagine an office fruit delivery made up of these beauties.....

Pineapple Chunks
Delicious cubes of pineapple flavoured sugar are a classic favourite.

Foam Bananas
This soft yellow treats may not have tasted much like banana but they certainly were moorish. 

Sherbet Strawberries
Slightly leathal, sharpe, hard boiled sweets with a surprising fizzy sherbet centre.

Fruit Salads
A chewy favourite combining a variety of mystery fruit flavours. No-one ever thought to ask what they were.....

Rhubarb and Custard
These sweet and creamy candies taste nothing like real rhubarb and custard - which is probably a good thing

Pear Drops
No matter what colour you get, they all taste the same. Another dangerously sharp hard boiled sweet. But when they're so tasty, who cares that you're cutting your tongue with every suck!

Sherbet Lemons
Another sweet, sharp fizzy favourite of the masses

Blackcurrant Liquorice
An intense combination of the fruity taste of blackcurrant and the deep tones of liquorice. Definitely a grown up sweet.

Chocolate Limes
When it comes to these odd green sweets you either love 'em or hate 'em. This crunchy lime outer shell filled with a sliver of decadent chocolate is just the ticket for some retro sweet lovers.

Raspberry Bon-Bons
A soft toffee centre with a thin crisp shell dusted with the brightest icing sugar going. Bon-Bons come in all manner of flavours but the blue raspberries ones are particularly special. 

What are your favourites?

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