Starting with the most basic of all fruit desserts, and the healthiest too, fruit salad is so easy to make and you can use any fruit you fancy from your London office fruit supplier. Here's a simple recipe for you that has a little naughtiness with the optional addition of syrup:
Take any fruit you fancy - most commonly used are melon, pineapple, grapes, strawberries, orange, apple but use your imagination - and peel and cut larger fruit into small, edible chunks.
If you want to add some syrup then take 8 tablespoons of water and mix in a saucepan with 200g of caster sugar. Heat and stir until all the sugar has dissolved. Leave to cool then pour into bowls, mix the chopped fruit in and serve.
Apple Pie or Crumble
The ultimate comfort dessert, this is also one of the most welcome accompaniments to Sunday lunch.
Easily made with pastry and crumble from scratch or pre-made packets from the supermarket, it can be modified in a variety of delicious ways, with plenty of cinnamon or ginger or with another variety of fruit such as blackberries, rhubarb or pear.
Eton Mess
Another British institution, Eton Mess is an easy, fuss-free and delicious dessert that suits the warmer months (despite how little it currently resembles summer!)
This sweet treat is easy to make by whipping 250ml of double cream until it has soft peaks. Then break 4 meringue nests into pieces and add to the cream. Once you've folded the meringue in, take either 350g of de-stalked and cut up strawberries or 200g of strawberries and 150g of raspberries and fold into the mixture. Divide the mixture into bowls or glasses and serve.
What's your favourite fruit dessert? Let us know in the comments below!
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