Tuesday 19 June 2012

Passion Fruit Pimms Recipe

Summer is back (for now) and we better make the most of it. We thought we’d share with you our delicious twist on the classic summer drink – Pimms. This passion fruit infused cocktail brings a tropical twist to the traditional tipple that will leave you feeling like you’re in Hawaii rather than Hackney. We like to call it, Passionate Pimms.

200 ml Pimms
300 ml Lemonade
2 Passion Fruits
A Few Slices of Orange
Chopped Cucumber
Strawberries - Quartered
Any other fruit left over from your office fruit delivery
Handful of Mint

Serves 4

Take a large jug and fill it up with ice
Scoop out the flesh of the passion fruits and add to the jug
Place in the mint, and chopped fruit and cucumber
Pour the Pimms on top, followed by the lemonade
Give the whole jug a good stir using the handle of a wooden spoon – any other utensil you have lying around

Just add a few passion fruits to your Pimms O’ Clock Basket and hey presto, you’ve got a quick tropical tipple for a midweek office treat. 

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