Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Make a Smoothie Without a Blender

We all probably over did it during the bank holiday weekend. Too many hot cross buns, big family dinners and of course – too much chocolate. So despite the 4 day week, chances are by Thursday you'll be lagging and willing the weekend to arrive.

We've come up with a couple of smoothie recipes that will give you a much needed vitamin and energy boost. All of the ingredients can be sourced from your office fruit delivery and your office kitchen supplies. You’ve probably not got a blender in the office, but fear not all of these recipes can be created by hand – no blender required.

So when feel yourself starting to lag nip off to the kitchen and whip up one of these.

These recipes will work even better if the fruit is slightly over ripe so it’s a great way to use up all of your office fruit at the end of the week.

Banana Berry Power
  • 1 handful of mixed Berries (whatever you’ve got lying around in the office fruit bowl)
  • Half a banana
  • 2 tbsp yoghurt
  • Splash of milk
  • Plastic food bag
    1. Place the berries and banana into a clean plastic food bag and seal. Use a mug, glass or anything hard to squish the fruit into submission
    2. Place the yoghurt into a glass or tumbler
    3. Add the crushed berries and stir
    4. Add a splash of milk
    5. Enjoy!

Strawberry and Orange Smoothie
  • ½ glass orange juice
  • Splash of apple juice
  • Half a banana
  • Handful crushed strawberries

    1. Crush the berries and banana on a plate with a fork
    2. Mix all of the ingredients together in a glass or tumbler
    3. Enjoy!

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