Friday 27 April 2012

Deliciously Digital - Fruit in Video Games

It's a Friday and it's natural to be staring at the clock, watching the minutes tick away until it hits 5pm and you can finally stick on your best outfit and hit the bars and the clubs all weekend long.

Or, if you're more like myself, you're looking forward to vegging out on the sofa for a weekend-long pig out session accompanied by your favourite video games. However, who said you had to pig out on greasy nosh? With all that fruit delivered by your favourite London-based office fruit company, I'm sure you're hoping the company ordered a little too much just so you can take a bit home with you.

However if, like most other companies, the office already chowed down on our delicious fruit then, fear not, because there's plenty of video game fruit to feast your eyes on this weekend...

  • Wumpa Fruit - Crash Bandicoot

Bringing back memories of everyone's favourite Playstation game, Crash Bandicoot shows how a little wumpa fruit - which looks suspiciously like our apples - goes a long way, giving you extra lives, powering you up and even letting you fire it out of a bazooka (not a recommended way to get your five-a-day) 

  • Cherries - Pac-Man

Going way back and getting completely retro, Pac-Man knew how much fruit was going to help his cause and give him points and power - we can't say our cherries have the exact same powers but they are definitely tasty enough to test out. 

  • Banana skins - Mario Kart
If you haven't played a Mario Kart game before then I fear for your fun levels. However, the use of fruit in this game is a lot more dangerous as banana skins are used to make your kart slip and slide and hopefully cause your opponents to lose the race. We hope you eat the bananas you order from us though rather than throwing them in front of oncoming traffic...

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