Wednesday 25 January 2012

Happy Burns Night

So what’s it all about then? Burns Night is the celebration of the life of the old Scottish bard Robert Burns. Burns was born on the 25th January 1759 and went on to write some of Scotland’s most famous poems. If you found yourself singing along to Auld Lang Syne on New Years Eve a few weeks ago, you have Robert Burns to thank as he wrote the song/poem along with many others

Now that you know what you’re celebrating here’s a delicious Fruit For The Office recipe for the Scottish fruity pud. Cranachan! Perfect for rounding off a Burns Night celebration.

Fruit For The Office Raspberries 450g
Course Oatmeal 6 tbsps
Double Cream 150ml
Runny Honey 2 tsp
Whiskey (optional) 2 tbsp
Fresh Mint

  1. Toast the oats in a dry frying pan, tossing regularly as to not burn them. When they are golden brown take them out of the pan and leave to cool.

  1. In the mean time, take the cream and whisk until thick. Then stir in the honey and optional whisky. Take most of the toasted oatmeal and gently fold into the cream.

  1. In another bowl, place most of the raspberries then roughly crush using a fork. Just crush them enough to release some of the juice, but still leave some texture.

  1. Then let the layering begin!

  1. Take a glass, and start off with a layer of crushed raspberries, followed by a layer of the cream and oat mix. Continue this pattern until you have filled the glass.

  1. Finish off with a layer of cream then garnish with a sprinkle of toasted oats a whole raspberry and a sprig of mint.

  1. Dig in!
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