Wednesday 7 December 2011

Would You Like Fruit With That?

Obesity rates are rising fast, we all know that. Today, Cancer Research released a report suggesting that 40%  of cancers could be prevented by having a good diet. So it’s seems that there has never been a better time to try to encourage people to eat better.

Today, ministers are being urged to introduce a new law that will force fast food shops to include fruit and water in all meal deals.

The high street meal deal is something that we’ve all come accustomed to over the years. It’s a quick fix lunch that usually contains a sandwich, a drink and a snack - usually in the form of crisps or chocolate!

Health experts feel that fruit and water should be a compulsory option in all meal deals. This should help healthier options to be promoted as heavily as junk food therefore encouraging people to make the right decisions for their health.

We have to say that we agree! We champion anyone that encourages people to eat more fruit and veg. Whether it's a smart employer who organises a regular fruit delivery for their staff, or a blogger who comes up with delicious fruit recipes, we like to see everyone do their part.

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