Sunday 5 October 2008

Gorilla Run Update!

On Saturday 27 September 2008, at 10:45am, the sun shone and crowds gathered to watch 735 people dressed as gorillas storm the streets of London for the best ever Great Gorilla Run!

Conservationist and television presenter Bill Oddie, fired the starting gun and set the runners off on what he later described to BBC News as “the most fun event for conservation anywhere in the world”. What a fantastic endorsement!

The atmosphere was buzzing and the costumes worn by runners over the top of their gorilla suits were even more adventurous that ever before. The best-dressed gorillas won prizes generously donated by the Great Gorilla Run’s sponsor, adventure company Explore, and the team winners won free tickets to Go Ape’s high wire adventure courses.

A fun day was had by everyone who took park, and while sponsorship money is still pouring in, the 2008 run is set to raise over £250,000 for the Gorilla Organization’s conservation projects in Africa.

If you look closely, you will see some giant inflatable Fruit for the Office bannanas in the crowd!

Registration is now open for the Great Gorilla Run 2009 on 26 September – visit for more information.

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